LiftKit is more than just a collection of buttons and cards—it's a design system that empowers you to create your own unique components. Instead of pre-made UI elements, LiftKit provides the building blocks: variables and guidelines that shape the look and feel of your designs. Whether you're going for sleek minimalism or bold brutalism, LiftKit adapts to your creative vision, giving you the freedom to craft any aesthetic, from scratch, with ease.
Get started with LiftKit using one of the official starter kits for Webflow, Figma, or CSS.
Get a feel for LiftKit by following along with this short tutorial.
Figure 1. Animation demonstrating state layer implementation.
I think about typography in a weird way. I think about hierarchy in three dimensions instead of two. Let me explain.
One of the most common ways to explain hierarchy in visual design is by describing it in terms of “what the viewer reads first.” I’ve found that helpful. It’s not hard to find a popular example of it, as it pops up on the front page of reddit about two or three times a year:
But when properly scaled, you can almost perceive a depth in this graphic, as though you were looking “into” the interface.
I doubt I’m the first to develop this mental model, but I admit I haven’t looked into the academic research yet.
Still, I think this will become more relevant as VR and AR become more useful. How might our approach to hierarchy change when we’re confined not by the bounds of a page or a screen, but by our own field of vision? One day, instead of scrolling, we might swim through our information.
Those days are still quite far ahead of us, though. In the meantime, LiftKit type simply lays the foundations.
In LiftKit, there is one type system with two families: regular and bold. They look like this, and their specs are below.
The type system assumes the :root font size equals 1vw, but it establishes guardrails to stay accessible at various breakpoints. You can see these here:
<code snippets for global media queries>
On mobile devices, .display1
and .display2
have smaller font sizes that remain in step with the scaling system. The larger jumps they take look good on desktops and large screens, but mobile devices simply don’t have enough real estate for it.
LiftKit type is asymmetrical, meaning the steps in-between each level of text is not always equal. At the larger end of the scale, styles scale by a factor of 1.618 or even more. At the lower end, they can scale by as little as a factor of 1.06. In other words, the difference in size between .titleA and .titleB is greater than that between .label and .caption.
The justification for this proportional asymmetry lies in applications for larger screens. LiftKit’s global scaling system is based on the golden ratio, but if you scale your type that way, you can’t have more than a handful of different sizes. We need a greater variety of type styles than a pure scale factor of 1.618 would allow. The obvious solution would be to simply use a smaller scale factor, but this raised problems of its own.
Smaller scale factor doesn’t solve the problem either, because at the small end of the spectrum, you would need it to be very small indeed. And if we were to choose such a small scale factor, then we would need a ludicrous number of styles in order to generate the largest variant we would need.
No, the goal is to cover the highest number of use cases with the fewest number of type styles. At the same time, the type styles themselves should have intuitive naming conventions that generally describe the role of each type level in the interface.
My solution was to try combining the best of both Apple and Googles’ solutions to this problem. Why just them? Well, I figured that these two brands’ design systems govern the overwhelming majority of user interfaces we interact with on a day-to-day basis. As such, they have a vested interest in optimizing their systems to be as broadly appealing as possible while remaining simple enough for both internal and third-party developers to keep consistent. Plus, Google’s design departments are famous for the level of overthinking they put into this kind of thing. We all remember the “blue” study. At the same time, Apple’s whole thing is being prettier than Google. (Apple pickme’s, you can send your hate mail here).
Therefore, the two systems gave me a great foundation for the end result of what millions of dollars worth of design work produces. The HIG type system, and the Material 3 type system. Standing on the shoulders of these giants, I decided to try combining the best of both worlds into a single system, and that’s where LiftKit’s came from.
Comparing the two’s systems:
But with freedom comes risk, and in M3’s case, the risk is designers implementing styles in an unpleasing way.
In my opinion, it’s simply too ambiguous how Material’s type styles are supposed to relate to one another.
For example, they have five categories: display, heading, title, body, and label. Each category has three sizes: large, medium, and small.
Already this raises a number of questions. For example, is “medium” supposed to be the “default”? It’s reasonable to assume that, but it’s not explicitly stated.
Furthermore, if I’m using body medium, should I only use title, heading, display, and label “medium” as well? Or can you mix and match display small, heading large, and body medium?
I could go on, but it would deserve its own article.
HIG, meanwhile, isn’t getting off easy either. HIG has 11 type styles, and these are named more specifically. Nevertheless, you wind up with several styles sharing the same traits: headline and body, for example, have the same size and line height. Footnote, caption 1, and caption 2 are also the same size and line height, and footnote (which appears higher in the list) has a lower emphasis than “caption 2.” I’m sure there’s a reason for this, but for the designer simply reading their documentation without any outside context, it’s not self-evident. And that leads to further opportunities for confusion, poor implementation, and inconsistent styling.
LiftKit doesn’t solve all these problems. But in my opinion, it’s less prone to mistaken implementation. Does this restrict creativity? Yes. However, my experience has been that people confident in their creative abilities don’t rely heavily on design systems in the first place. The ones I’ve met usually wind up creating design systems of their own. I figured that those types of people who decide to try LiftKit will be coming into it intending to change it up anyway, and this type system makes it easy for them to do so.
LiftKit doesn’t have many best practices beyond those that apply to typography design in general. All the rules you may already know about hierarchy are still valid. What few recommendations LiftKit does provide are just that: recommendations. That being said, here are a few do’s and don’ts.
It’s typically a bad idea to have all your text be the same exact color unless you’re in high-contrast mode for accessibility reasons. It helps establish hierarchy to have larger text be higher contrast.
However, there’s some debate about this. Material’s position is designs should be accessible by default. HIG’s, meanwhile, well…
Look at this example from the official iOS design kit in Figma, published by Apple:
If you plug these different label colors into the WebAIM contrast ratio checker, you’ll find that only the default passes all accessibility checks.
You may think it’s because the background is gray. It’s not. It’s the same even if it’s pure white.
The lightest you can go against a pure white background while remaining at least WCAG AA compliant at the average font size of 16px is #757575, or a lightness value of 46.
Apple gets around this by having an “Increase Contrast” option in its accessibility settings that you can activate, presuming you have the necessary level of vision to locate the menu option in the first place. There’s also a “differentiate without color” option, but that doesn’t affect text opacity.
It’s not groundbreaking really. LiftKit just… doesn’t do that.
Still, if accessibility simply does not concern you (maybe you’re making a slide deck for a group of 5 people who you know for a fact have no trouble with low-contrast designs), it’s recommended you control color grading via opacity.
Because LiftKit is light/dark agnostic, you shouldn’t set static font colors to control grading, as the levels of difference may not be the same between modes.
@import "globals.css";
/* Regular families */
.display1 {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--quarterstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * calc(1 / var(--halfstep)))
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--quarterstep);
.display2 {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title1 {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title2 {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.02em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title3 {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.017em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.heading {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.014em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--quarterstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.subheading {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.007em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--quarterstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.body {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--wholestep));
--md: calc(var(--base) / var(--wholestep));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--base) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.011em;
cursor: default;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--wholestep);
.callout {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.009em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--eighthstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.label {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.004em;
font-size: calc((1em / var(--quarterstep)) / var(--eighthstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
position: static;
top: 6.235em;
.caption {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.007em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.overline {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: 0.0618em;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 400;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
/* Bold Families */
.display1__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--quarterstep));
--md: calc(var(--base) / var(--wholestep));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--base) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 700;
line-height: var(--quarterstep);
.display2__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 700;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title1__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.022em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep) * var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title2__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.02em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--wholestep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.title3__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.017em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.heading__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.014em;
font-size: calc(1em * var(--quarterstep));
font-weight: 700;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.subheading__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.007em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--quarterstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.body__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--wholestep));
--md: calc(var(--base) / var(--wholestep));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--base) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.011em;
padding: 0;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--wholestep);
position: relative;
.callout__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.009em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--eighthstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
text-decoration: none;
.label__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.004em;
font-size: calc((1em / var(--quarterstep)) / var(--eighthstep));
font-weight: 700;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.caption__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: -0.007em;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
.overline__bold {
--lineHeightInEms: calc(1em * var(--halfstep));
--md: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep-dec));
--sm: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--halfstep-dec));
--xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--quarterstep-dec));
--2xs: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--eighthstep-dec));
--lg: calc(var(--lineHeightInEms) * var(--wholestep));
--xl: calc(var(--lg) * var(--wholestep));
--2xl: calc(var(--xl) * var(--wholestep));
letter-spacing: 0.0618em;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: calc(1em / var(--halfstep));
font-weight: 600;
line-height: var(--halfstep);
@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
body {
font-size: 1vw;
@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.display1 {
font-size: 3.3301em;
@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
.display1 {
font-size: 2.61743em;
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